Wednesday, April 2, 2008

What are Trolls, Zombies and Demons in The Online World?

I am surrounded by strange jargon and I feel as an extra in a B-grade horror movie. A list I am having " " trolls, and the latest virus can turn my computer into a zombie " ", and my ISP keeps talking " " devils! Egads! Do I need some kind of exorcist to use my computer now?

On the assumption that you are not John Carpenter and that you are not trolling my weblog, let me say a spoon here! First off, do not despair, do not call in an exorcist, and for the love of God, not spilling a bowl of pea soup on your keyboard!

Like any community, the online community has evolved its own specialized language to more accurately communicate concepts. There are some famous examples of professional linguists, but my favorite is the Australian butchers created a language which literally spoke backwards in order to talk customers without having a clue that they were saying.

But back to our own particular form of Communication!

Participate In a list of addresses or discussion board long enough and you will see that there are some people who pop in and add messages that are diametrically opposed, or to the values of group or subtly insulting or demeaning. If the author is just offensive, well, there are people who, like everywhere else, unfortunately. They are just, well, offensive.

But there are others who publish material offensive to the end, to produce a reaction and rile up the members of the community. They are trolls. If you go to an Apple Macintosh discussion group and post " Macs are garbage and all people use PCs " cool, or go to a post of the United Nations and weblog " The UN is the instrument of Satan & ; quot; or add a comment about the Holocaust Museum Web Site " that the Holocaust is a fiction invented by Zionists ", odds are pretty good you is a darn troll.

Most communities ignore trolls, or sometimes a person responds with " troll: ignore " or similar to ensure that even new members of the community Avoid wasting their time trying to involve the author of a debate. Sometimes, however, the groups can rotate completely out of control when the troll is engaged in a growing debate inconsistent with community members, which, predictably, start foaming at the mouth, because that person assailing its core, fundamental to beliefs.

Referring original definition of Trolls, I believe that they are better just to climb back under its bridges and wait for the next person to find, personally.

Zombie computers are, as the staggering mad hulks who star in all those B-grade films, making Without him things to be able to control them. Typically nefarious things, such as the sending of thousands and thousands of Web pages or network ping requests (which is more formally called an attack of distributed denial of service), contributing to the spread of viruses (which is so common that people forget that most virii really have more than one computer), or at the latest twist, serve as spam relay points, blindly sending thousands of unwanted junk e-mails messages.

My understanding of how this works a computer - typically a PC with Windows - is infected by a virus which then launches a program secretly running on the computer. Think " brain eating fungus " here. This program then communicates with a central monitoring program that sends him a master e-mail and a list of thousands of e-mail addresses. The connection is separated, and his Dell, Gateway, HP, Toshiba, or other PC suddenly starts to open and firing off-mail after e-mail. All with your return address, return on tracking data IP, and without any warning " Mailer: Zombie Mail 1,35 (B.xx installed by viruses on 2 Feb 05) " header for let people know you are not a bad guy.

To revive a zombie computer you need to sacrifice a chicken, pour the blood into ... Oh, no. Sorry, wrong article. What you need to do is run antivirus software from its boot CDROM (which, by definition, is clean and free of viruses), which should be able to quarantine, at least, if not kill the zombie infection.

Finally, when speaking of their ISP Dem nios, it is really talking about Unix programs that run in the background " " 24x7, and are properly written " daemons ". If you can read this message, you have sent a web page query to the Web server daemon running on my own server, and you then follow-up by sending me a message that explains why we never Tuesday angelic positive or metaphors In the online world (which I love to discuss!), Then, the e-mail program would connect to my e-mail daemon, running a protocol known as the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).

A long answer to a simple question, but a Middle around written communication and broadcast, and initially conceived by nerdy misfits who preferred & Dungeons Dragons of cocktail parties with the sorority across the street, which should be no surprise that the jargon is so colourful and evocative.

Dave Taylor runs AskDaveTaylor!, A People site where a wide variety of technical areas and commercial questions about issues that go as far as business blogging, publishing contracts of C programming, HTML page layout and Mac applications. gidget meagan

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